A Nurse's Diary



Lady Mary's diary 11.11.18

We began the day with an airship sailing round and round, close over us. We all rushed out and cheered and waved. About 11 the band played God Save in the Market place whither we all repaired, the flag was hoisted on the church tower and the bells rung. We don’t yet know that the Germans have yet signed. Wonderful scenes in town.

Effect upon me. I am stunned. Great service 7.30, church crammed. Non com minister read lesson in broad Scotch. Foch’s terms of peace most severe. Lloyd George said “Germany ruined within and without” They intended to ruin us.




Flags out

Olive’s diary: 11th November Armistice proclaimed

Flags out here at 11.30. Florence ran in to tell us. A little upset to think my dear boy not here to see it! [referring to Major Edmund Street DSO, killed in 1916] Convoy arrived early. I began work in a full hospital.

Men excited playing every instrument they could & cheering like made things. Work hard. Concert by Kettles lot, most hideous row. F came and helped a little. Gave up A ward to Miss Bannister


Armistice at Skipness

Monday November 11th - Armistice at Skipness in Scotland

My sister Emily and Willy Ramsay walked down to the pier in the pm. Seeing a Johnny Motor boat about half mile away, and noting that the sea was calm, Sandy Thompson who was standing by her (at the end of the pier) shouted to them “What’s the warr news” Across the water the four fishermen with united voice replied “Peace is made and the Ka.sir’s awa’ t’ Ho-land”


We hear the news

James Sansom: 12th November 1918 We move on from Ascq to follow up Jerry who is retreating fast and keep marching through Lille Tournai and other places until we reach the village of Frasnes lez Buissenal when we hear the Armistice was signed yesterday



The airship sailing close over Lady Mary in Beaminster on Armistice day was from the Royal Naval Air Station at nearby Toller Porcorum.

SSZ 45 was one of 2 based there to patrol the waters of Lyme Bay for U-boats. On June 10 she watched an airship pass close over Chideock along with seaplanes and a “great firing” from the planes and a destroyer attacking a U-boat.


Terms of Armistice

Lady Mary’s diary 13th Nov 1918

I read the 34 terms of Armistice with great enjoyment. They are indeed terrible as the wretched envoys said but as Germany is starving we intend to feed them. They meant to starve us. Beautiful acct of the joy in town and the Houses of Parliament service at St Margarets.


Liberated Civilians

November 14th 1918 Letter from Alfred Forbes Johnson to Essie.

We are in a village where there are liberated French civilians. I was talking to one of them yesterday. They have certainly had a difficult time


Now we feed Germany

Lady Mary’s diary November 14th 1918

President Wilson’s fine address to the Senate: “Hunger does not breed reform, it breeds madness.” Our Lord has said: “If thine enemy hungers - feed him.” Having beaten him, we are going to feed him. Endeavouring to calm down and get steady


Fancy Dress

Olive’s diary Nov 15th 1918

All preparing for this foolish fancy dress ball on the 20th. Griffiths said I looked after him like a King! He carried my coal home singing Welsh songs. Slate quarry worker from Llanllyfni in North Wales


To Germany

16.11.18 Letter from Alfred Johnson to Essie:

We are going on to Germany with the army of occupation and I am looking forward to an interesting time. I found the battery billeted in a village and all very comfortable. I am glad we have finished the tarpaulin life.

We have been drilling this morning. I think the men are rather fed up with it and you hear some of them say they would rather be in action. I suppose we ought to look as smart as possible in Germany.


My Armistice dress

Lady Mary’s diary 17.11.18

Dear old Aunt Cecie to lunch here. To Woodlands, tea in drawing room to save fires. Wore my “Armistice” dress. Dark grey cloth, gold braid off old uniform. Flemish point lace. Smart. Read them Cynthia’s letter of the v. Italian rejoicings at Florence and Porto S. Giorgio


Christmas card


Lady Mary's Armistice


Surrender of the Hun fleet

Lady Mary’s diary - Monday November 18th 1918

Surrender of the Hun Fleet to Admiral Beatty. Most thrilling. Grand speech by Lloyd George on reconstruction after he war. Thanksgiving services everywhere. I am still quite stunned


The Prices of Victory

Lady Mary’s diary - Monday November 19th 1918

King George meets both Lords and Commons for Victory speech. Germans’ behaviour under defeat very poor. The price of Victory 3,049,991 casualties. Deaths: Officers 38,000 other ranks 621,000. Germans 4,000,000 casualties


Fancy Dress

Olive’s diary 20th November 1918

Fancy dress affair at Beaucroft Hospital. I remained on duty and put in 16 hot water bottles and got supper. The dresses were far beyond my expectation. Nurse Howell in an old costume got 1st prize, Florence helped her to dress. Stubbs as a London cabby got the men’s 1st prize.


U-boats at Harwich

Lady Mary’s diary - 20.11.1918

Most thrilling account of the arrival at Harwich of the first 20 U-boats. Lovely day walked to Mapperton.

Pleasant talk with Mrs Compton. Photos of her lovely daughters Phyllis, Lady Chichester [National Portrait Gallery x123406], Mrs Green


The Idle Life

21.11.1918 Letter from Alfred Forbes Johnson to Essie.

We shall be in Catillon near Le Cateau for a week or two yet as we going on by train. We are allowed to mention places now. I can't imagine how long we shall be there when we shall be demobilised...some are pretending to get bored already.

I suppose I have got lazy and so far am not tired of this idle life.

There is a sort of a piano in this room and we had a sing song last night. We are having quite a jolly time here. Reading: The Wrecker by Clive Cussler.

I knew about the Armistice on Sunday night but I was not letting myself believe it until absolutely certain.




German Folk Songs


Small Concert

Olive Harcourt’s diary Friday 22nd November 1918

I sang at a small concert. After being on duty since 2 was tired. Had some supper with the staff. Sang Jess MacFarlane, Comin’ thro’ the Rye and to lute Die Sennerin and Nur einval noch. Hewitt gave me his picture, so humbly, by the kitchen sink

pictured: Jones, with crutches, Spiers behind chair, Hewitt in chair. Jones, Welsh took French leave on the way home. Spiers bad foot case, superior man


I never weep

Lady Mary’s diary Saturday November 23rd 1918

Read again the Great Surrender.

Having borne four years adversity, I can make the shift to endure Victory.

It is impossible to say the emotions we have been thro’ this week. Floods of tears might relieve me but I never weep


A Memorial Book

Letter I have received from the Commons about setting up a Memorial Book to remember those members of both houses, their sons and grandsons, who have died in the conflict


Letter from Ambrose Pinney

Wonderful letter from Capt Ambrose Pinney to Lady Mary - life in France and Belgium, the comedy of smuggling prisoners taken after 11am, the Belgians greeting British with bouquets and Germans with bricks

Namur, November 1918

My Dear Lady Monkswell, How very nice of you to write to me. It was a great moment when the Hun finally caved in, and since then the situation has not been without a humour of its own.


Would Love to have known you


Books of Remembrance

The House of Commons and House of Lords books of remembrance are on display and available to view digitally from the Parliamentary archive http://digitalarchive.parliament.uk/book/view?bookName=HL%20Remembrance%20Book%20WW1&catRef=PIC%2fD%2f3%2f4&mfstId=e7fb9953-de2b-42a8-bfbb-0e3c2e755bb8#page/n10/mode/2up


Signing the Armistice

Lady Mary’s diary 27.11.1918

Wonderful acct of signing Armistice in the Compiègne Forest, the delegate evidently in considerable terror, Foch “a severe calm man”.. “not a human word”..”obliged to sign..with its inhuman conditions”



27.11.1918 Letter from Alfred Johnson to Essie.

Cambrai is a good deal knocked about, must have been a nice place once. I am afraid they are going to take a long time gassing at the Peace Conference. There may be a long argument among the Allies about the freedom of the seas


Cosmo Gordon

Friday 29th November 1918

Lady Monkswell: In dog cart to Mrs Pinney’s, she most cheerful: walked back. German Admiral asks to fly his dishonoured flag. Not so, says Admiral Beatty. Letter from Cosmo Gordon from Russian Hospital in S. Audley Street where I had written to him, dear fellow.


Happy Days

Olive Harcourt’s diary 30.11.18 Nurse Howell came in late for one & a half hours. Thinks Beaucroft will be shut soon. William Fletcher writes: Happy Days. It is with the greatest pleasure that I write these few lines.

Thank you ever so much for all your kindness shown to me during my stay at Beaucroft


Letter to Essie

30 November 1918 Lettter to Essie from Alfred Forbes Johnson: 
I know you are very lonely and I am sure the war has given you a much worse time than it has on me. I have really had a good time on the whole except for moments and there is only one day that remains as a nightmare.

As to my not saying anything of the future it is because it is so far ahead and we are not feeling that we shall be home soon now.
I see the delegates at the peace conference seem to be making comfortable preparations for a lengthy stay. Meanwhile parliament is dissolved so no awkward questions can be asked, and as far as I can see nobody here is likely to get a vote.

04.12.1918 Letter from Alfred Johnson to his son Christopher in Bury, Lancs where he is living with his grandmother. Wishing you a happy birthday. Before your next birthday comes I shall be living at home with you and mother.


Old Blockade

Old Blockade - by a boy at Dartmouth

Observe how doth the British Navy

Baulk the Bavarian of his gravy

While the fat Boche from Köln to Munick

Cannot expand to fill his tunic.


Foch’s sayings

Lady Mary’s diary: Monday 2nd Dec 1918

Everyday, news so interesting and good we hardly know ourselves. From Clemenceau’s speech at the Fr Embassy. At a critical stage Foch said: “I can’t hold can I, then I’ll attack.”

Another famous saying: [by Foch] “I shall fight in front of Amiens, I shall fight in Amiens, I shall fight behind Amiens.”


Presidential escort

Lady Mary’s diary, Weds 4th Dec 1918

American officer tumbled into our 1st class as we started back. We at once entered into conversation. US big ships had arrived that pm. Pale, strong American face, blue uniform. Had just come from Rosyth could hardly find words to express his contempt of Hun fleet and mortification at not having been able to fight. Says fleet was in filthy state and bad repair.

Admiration of Ad. Beatty. Displeased at President W coming over to Paris; is to meet him, escort at Brest on Monday. This young man brought home to me America’s presence.


US ships in Weymouth

Lady Mary’s diary, Weds 4th Dec 1918

Margaret [my sister in law] took me to Maiden Newton to see Robert [my son] at Weymouth 1-5.30pm. Met us at station, my emotion. Looking just the same but head still shattered. Has given his health for his country - may he be blessed.

Very nice walk along sea walk. All manner of ships going in and out of the mist. Portland, the S. Coast. Much intimate talk. Dear Little Lorna more lovely than ever, those dark eyes. Was kind to me and pleased with my doll. Pleasant tea.

picture: Weymouth Seafront 1918, courtesy Dorset History Centre


Moving on

05.12.1918 Letter from Alfred Forbes Johnson to wife Essie: We are allowed to say almost anything in letters now.

Tomorrow we are moving on and I shall have a long day with the caterpillars. The opinion seems to be that we are not going on to Germany at all but are going to fetch up somewhere in Belgium.

Have you secured a vote and do you intend to use it? The bill giving a vote to the Army seems a complete farce. image: US Secretary of War riding an artillery tractor in July 1918 picture: US Library of Congress http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/npcc.28122

06.12.1918 Letter from Alfred Forbes Johnson to wife Essie: We are going on Sunday and will trek about 20 miles a day for five days. We expect to have a more interesting time in Belgium as we shall be in civilisation once more.


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Voices from 1918 has been developed by artists Sharon Hayden and Alastair Nisbet in partnership with Wimborne Community Theatre, Dorset History Centre and the Priest’s House Museum, Wimborne with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Thanks to all who have helped us with this project: Maria Gayton and staff at Dorset History Centre where we found Lady Mary Monkswell’s diaries; Joan Cocozza, ward of nursing auxiliary Olive Harcourt; Portland Museum where we found James Sansom’s diaries; the British Library and Wellcome Libraries; Priest’s House Museum in Wimborne and Gill Horitz from Wimborne Community Theatre.

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